Nucleus Elements: Mini

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-elements-navigation"}}


Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-masthead

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-masthead"}}


Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-lead

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-lead"}}


Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-expand

The Expand element defines a block of content that is hidden initially, until the trigger button is activated.

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-expand"}}


Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-stat-single

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-stat-single"}}

Stat List Horizontal

Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-stat-list-horizontal

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-stat-list-horizontal"}}

Stat List Vertical

Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-stat-list-vertical

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-stat-list-vertical"}}

Tooltip - Bottom Left

Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-tooltip-bottom-left

Hover your cursor over the trigger text to display the tooltip.

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-tooltip-bottom-left"}}

Tooltip - Top Left

Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-tooltip-top-left

Hover your cursor over the trigger text to display the tooltip.

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-tooltip-top-left"}}

Promo Strap - Text

Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-promo-strap-text

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-promo-strap-text"}}

Use this element by copying the static block titled nucleus-promo-strap-link

{{block type="cms/block" block_id="nucleus-promo-strap-link"}}